When I first started working after leaving school, I met a lovely greek girl, Bella who told us of her traditions of reading coffee grindings which involved placing the right thumb at the inside bottom of the cup after it had been drunk and twisting clockwise slightly. This left an impression behind that she could interpret as the drinker's inner thoughts or emotions.
The full process went something like this....
A white cup with white saucer is used. The coffee grinding must be read by someone other than the drinker. The drinker of the coffee cannot read their own cup. Most of the coffee is drunk, but the sediment at the bottom is left behind.
Then the cup be covered with the saucer and turned upside-down. The sediments in the cup must be swirled around the inside of the cup until they cover the majority of the cup's inside surface. The cup must be turned towards yourself for showing your own fortune.
The coffee grinds are given time to settle and dry against the cup before a reading begins.
She also showed us how to make a traditional greek tea with cloves and cinnamon.
The term "Tasseomancy" derives from the French word tasse (cup), which in turn derives from the Arabic tassa (cup).Tasseography, otherwise known as tasseomancy or tassology, is the art of tea leaf reading. "Tasse" or "tass" is also an Arab root, meaning small cup or goblet.
Tea, is linked with herbology - part of alternative healing. People who seek answers through various forms of divination, such as tea leaf readings, are often healing their issues.
Tasseography is not an application of magic, but rather a tool for tapping into the subconscious by applying meditation to pattern recognition and symbolism.
Tasseography can be a powerful meditative tool providing insights into the reader's subconscious.
Tea leaf reading is an ancient practice interpreting patterns made by tea leaves in the cup. In addition to the reading of tea leaves, the tradition of tasseography includes the reading of coffee grounds and wine sediments. Although tasseography is commonly associated with Gypsy fortunetellers, the tradition of tea leaf reading arises independently from Asia, the Middle East and Ancient Greece.
Modern tasseography has also been associated with the Scottish, Irish and cultures throughout Eastern Europe.
You can get an online tealeaves reading at http://www.knopfler.com/tealeaves/reading.html
My reading was:
Reading No. 45
"When times of adversity seem at their worst and defeat seems most assured - hidden from view beneath you, is often the greatest, roller coaster ride.
You have already accomplished the heroic climb and the wonderful value of the hard lessons you have learned will become very clear - and sooner than you imagine."
Other References: http://www.taotat.ca/readings.html
http://www.magickal-musings.com/tea_leaf.htm- tea leaf readings
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